Inspire your team, organisation or community with a keynote that leaves the audience on the edge of their seat.

Griet Deca keynote speaker

Get Griet Deca on stage if you are looking for:

Griet Deca Keynotes

Well-being at work: myth or reality?

The current burn-out epidemic is impacting our work environment and quickly evolving societal changes are bringing a lot of organizational challenges. We keep being asked to do more in a shorter time frame, which means that conscientious professionals get caught between their job demands and their own well-being. 

Is there a more human centered approach that is suitable for a business context? Or should employees take the matter into their own hands and take responsibility? Is corporate well-being a myth or is it reality?

Working on happiness at work: why, how & what?

It may be hard to imagine, but it is absolutely true: even your company can work on more happiness at work! On the individual level, the team level and the broader organizational level.

This exciting keynote lets you discover how to start building more happiness at work. It will also invite you to rethink a few things and inspire you to take action. Get ready to receive a truckload of tips, tricks and techniques that are easy to implement. It will give you all the information you need to start taking simple steps towards more happiness at work in your own company.

The happy pack leader

The Happy Pack or the Happy Leader? Both topics will be covered in this keynote which uses the link between leadership and dog agility as an interesting starting point. How can the dog world inspire managers and business leaders and what can managers learn from professionals who work with dogs? How can a leader create a productive and happy team and help them stay that way?

Discover how a Happy Pack Leader can guide the team in the right direction, allowing them to work together efficiently, and getting amazing results.

Transforming a negative company culture into #complaintfreecoffee

“Work?! Working makes me incredibly tired! After all, my employer is only interested in making a profit and doesn’t really care about his employees. Even my colleagues are just showing up at the office to browse the internet all day. I’m just counting down to the day I can start my retirement!” Chief Happiness Griet Deca definitely does not agree with statements like these.

It sounds like it’s time for a cup of #complaintfreecoffee! After sharing a scientific definition of happiness at work, Griet shares a number of common business practices she’s encountered over the years. Unfortunately, there are a lot of unintended happiness killers to be spotted. Which is truly a shame if you know that happiness at work has a solid ROI for the employee, the team leader, and the organization.

From prosperity to happiness at work: a cultural evolution through the eyes of a Chief Happiness Officer

Under pressure from the quest for prosperity and the ethos of hard work, overworked people became ill on a massive scale. There was a healthy awareness that things couldn’t go on like this and more and more attention was paid to well-being. Well-being at work was included in the legislation and companies started writing a well-being policy. But in order to fully break the taboo surrounding well-being, an additional impulse is needed. Right now, we are at the tipping point from well-being to happiness at work, an exceptional transformation that follows logically from previous developments.

Griet Deca takes you on a journey through a fascinating world in the throes of change, based on the knowledge and insights she has gathered during her almost twenty-year career as a company trainer. Griet offers concrete tools that provide guidance in the labyrinth of facts, anecdotes and theories so as to ensure that the present (under)currents that health in the workplace could entail, are given every chance of success.

Griet Deca Keynotes

Well-being and happiness at work: myth or reality?

With a actual burnout epidemic taking place, many companies are struggling in this rapidly changing society. More and more is being demanded in less time, and so the most dutiful employees experience a strong tension between the demands of the job and their own well-being.

Is there such a thing as a human-centred approach in business? Or do employees have to take their own responsibility? 

Is well-being at work and job happiness a myth or a reality?

How to screw up happiness at work

More and more people understand how engagement and motivation is the antidote to stress and burnout. A growing number of companies today are willing to work on workplace happiness, but at the same time, more and more companies are falling into the trap of certain “happiness killers”. Usually unconsciously. Always unintentionally.

In this keynote, Chief Happiness Griet Deca shares the biggest happiness killers that cost organisations a lot of money, work counterproductively and that Griet encounters almost daily on work floors in Belgium.

The 32-hour week: facts and myths

Perhaps one of the hottest topics in the media today: working 32h for a full-time wage, also known as the 4 day workweek. Realistic or completely off the mark?

Tryangle has been operating in this setup since September 2023. Not by chance, but inspired by numerous succesful cases implemented across the world. What can we learn from these pilot projects? What does the science say? Come find out in this keynote.

Feedback unravelled

Feedback is a crucial aspect of healthy communication. We often think a lot of things to say, but do we share what we are thinking? And how do we best convey our message if we want to be constructive? How do you deal with feedback that comes your way, perhaps not at the moment you need it? 

All these questions will be answered during this keynote. Expect practical tips and techniques, best & horrible practices, insights and a touch of humour.

Contain stress, prevent burnout

How to recognise unhealthy stress in time? Which typical signals can give you a wake-up call in time without becoming (seriously) ill? Burnout is by no means the only threat here…

In this keynote, we will outline a brief but powerful stress framework and explore the different stages of burnout, followed by immediate action with insights, tips and techniques to deal with stress in a healthier way so that you can increase your resilience and stay ahead of unhealthy stress!

Well-being and happiness at work: why, how & what?

It may seem unimaginable to you and yet it is true: you can work on work happiness in your organisation too! And this at individual, team and organisational level.

Come and discover how you can do this during this inspiring keynote that encourages you to think about a well-being policy but also invites you to act. Get a collection of tips, tools and immediately applicable techniques to work on happiness at work in your organisation too.

Digital Detox for more happiness at work

How do you look at the digital world? Are you curious and stimulated or irritated and overexcited? Digitalisation invites a lot of opportunities, but unconsciously and unintentionally often also brings stress, loss of concentration, nervousness, exhaustion or extra pressure, both privately and at work. Moreover, all these digital tools can also blur the boundaries between our personal life and our work life, adding to overstrain and even contributing to burnout. 

The good news? You can stop this negative spiral by using digital tools more consciously and regularly mentally disconnect from work.

In this keynote you will learn more about digistress, the importance of deconnecting and receive lots of tips for a healthier use of digital tools. The end result? More peace and stability within the tsunami of information and digital applications and more opportunities to also mentally deconnect from your work. This session is part of the Belgian labour deal and the right to deconnect.

Constructive conflict management and language

Every day, we can come into contact with subtle and less subtle conflicts. Dealing with people can sometimes be tricky, and even more challenging when others see things completely differently than you do.

Don’t really know what to say in these kinds of situations? Do you have an ideal comeback to someone’s negative comment, but do you hold back as to not step on anyone’s toes? Do you only get inspiration about what you should have said after the fact? Then this session is for you!

You will learn how to avoid frustration and create space to say what you think or feel. We offer tips and tools to feel more comfortable in a situation where communication can be difficult. We also show you how to avoid or handle conflicts in a constructive manner.

How to stimulate a positieve mindset

You don’t have to be positive always and everywhere, but a realistic-optimistic view of reality will go a long way. Your physical and mental health will improve, your self-confidence will increase and your stress levels will drop. 

And the good news? Anyone can learn to do this! In this keynote, we help you decipher the mechanism of a growth mindset and boost your positivity and optimism.

Embracing equity in the workplace

In these postmodern times, we hope we have eliminated all taboos and dream of a world where discrimination has no place. Unfortunately, reality still shows us a very different scenario. Equal pay? You wish! No glass ceiling? Dream on! Women in the highest corporate ranks? Not nearly enough.

Let’s build a world together without prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination, to forge a gender-equal community, where diversity is valued and celebrated. Or at least a culture where the topic is can be constructively discussed. Without overshooting our goals or falling into some sneaky traps.

“Gladly, but how?” Discover the keynote by Griet Deca, a woman standing her ground in a world of inequality.


Well-being at work: mythe of realiteit?

Met een heuse burn-out epidemie op de werkvloer, hebben veel bedrijven het moeilijk in de snel veranderende maatschappij. Er wordt alsmaar meer gevraagd op minder tijd en zo ervaart de plichtsgetrouwe mens een spanning tussen de eisen van de job en het eigen welzijn. 

Bestaat er zoiets als een aanpak die de mens centraal zet in het bedrijfsleven? Of moeten medewerkers daar hun eigen verantwoordelijkheid in opnemen? Is welzijn op het werk een mythe of een realiteit?

Werken aan werkgeluk: why, how & what?

Het lijkt je misschien onvoorstelbaar en toch is het waar: ook in jouw organisatie kan je werken aan werkgeluk! En dit op zowel individueel niveau, teamlevel als op vlak van de organisatie. 

Kom ontdekken hoe je dat kan aanpakken tijdens deze inspirerende keynote die je aanzet tot denken en uitnodigt tot doen. Verzeker je van een verzameling tips, tricks en onmiddellijk toepasbare technieken om ook binnen jouw organisatie werk te maken van werkgeluk.

The Happy Pack Leader

The Happy Pack of the Happy Leader? Beide komen aan bod in deze keynote die de link tussen leadership en de hondensport agility gebruikt als uitgangspunt.

Wat kan je als leidinggevende leren van de honden wereld en meer specifiek van werken met honden? Hoe kan je er als leider voor zorgen dat je team productief en gelukkig is (en blijft)? Ontdek hoe je als Happy Pack Leader je team in beweging brengt op zo’n manier dat jullie topresultaten behalen en graag en goed samenwerken.

Van een bedrijfscultuur vol zagen naar #koffiezonderklagen

“Werken?! Ik word daar zo moe van! Trouwens, mijn werkgever is alleen maar uit op geld en trekt zich van zijn werkvolk niets aan. En mijn collega’s komen ook alleen maar naar de bureau om de gazet te lezen. Aftellen tot aan mijn pensioen ja!” Daar is Chief Happiness Griet Deca het absoluut niet mee eens. Tijd voor een kopje #koffiezonderklagen! 

Na een wetenschappelijke definitie van werkgeluk neemt Griet je graag mee naar de realiteit op de werkvloer. Daar vinden we heel wat happiness killers die bedrijven vaak in de praktijk omzetten zonder het te beseffen. Jammer! Zeker als je weet dat werkgeluk een stevige ROI met zich meebrengt voor zowel de medewerker, de leidinggevende als de organisatie.

Van welvaart naar werkgeluk: het verhaal van een culturele evolutie door de ogen van een Chief Happiness Officer

Onder druk van de queeste naar welvaart en de ethos van hard werken, werden overwerkte mensen massaal ziek. Er ontstond een gezond besef dat het zo niet verder kon en er kwam steeds meer aandacht voor welzijn. Welzijn op het werk werd opgenomen in de wetgeving en bij bedrijven werd geschreven aan een welzijnsbeleid. Om welzijn uit de taboesfeer te halen, is er iets meer nodig. Momenteel zitten we op het kantelpunt van welzijn naar werkgeluk, een bijzondere transformatie die logisch voortvloeit uit wat voorafging.

Griet Deca neemt je op sleeptouw door een boeiende wereld in volle verandering op basis van de kennis en inzichten uit haar bijna twintigjarige carrière als bedrijfstrainer. Ze biedt handvaten voor houvast op de cakewalk van feiten, anekdotes en theorieën zodat de huidige (onder)stromen die gezondheid op de werkvloer met zich mee zouden kunnen brengen alle kans op slagen krijgen.

Griet in action

An overview of upcoming events (in English)

Webinar or keynotes with Griet Deca

Currently there are no new events in English planned. 

You can check out the Dutch calender using the button on the right

New events will be announced asap                                          Online or offline 

Other workshops and webinars

Stop burn-out: Recognise and deal with unhealthy stress

Burn-out. Maybe it’s the buzzword of the day.

But what exactly is a burn-out? How can you recognise if you or others suffer from burn-out? Can you help others with burn-out? And above all: how can you prevent burn-out or, if you are already a victim, how can you turn the tide? You’ll learn all about it in this keynote.

Stress & burn-out

Stronger thanks to stress

Converting stress from burden to empowerment: fun in theory, but how do you get started? This keynote will help you discover how to turn your potential obstacle into a power tool. You will get insights into which types of stress exist, and the effect they have on body and mind. Finally, we will zoom in on the power of stress. Healthy stress increases your performance drive, makes you alert and boosts your creative brain.

Stress & burn-out

Strengthen your brain, improve your memory

Mental performance is the key to success, but also to the quality of our lives. In this keynote, you will discover how your memory works, you will notice that multitasking does not work and you will learn how to maximise your focus, which will significantly increase your work efficiency. Highly recommended for anyone who has difficulty with time management, setting priorities and making the right choices.

Stress & burn-out

Working mindfully

It has been proven for some time that mindful living reduces stress. During this keynote, we will explain the principles of mindfulness and apply them to participants’ working reality. We teach them how to be more aware of what they are doing right now instead of worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. We will give concrete tips to allow less stress and create more peace. We will also invite participants to move mindfully.

Stress & burn-out

Ban the frog from your brain

The feeling of “fog” in your head, as if you are living in a “haze” and cannot focus. Sound familiar? Science speaks of “brain fog”, quite similar to a “brain frog” that fills your head with tiresome croaking and seems to destroy your concentration with its nervous jumps.

Doing nothing is not an option: in the long run, the fog in your brain leads to a decrease in concentration, memory problems, failing brain functions and even dementia … So, it’s high time to clear the fog! Discover how in this inspiring keynote!

Stress & burn-out

Conflict handling: tame the tiger in your language!

Every day, we may come into contact with pronounced and less pronounced conflicts. Dealing with people can sometimes be difficult, and even more challenging when people see things differently from you. Don’t really know how to react in these situations? Then this keynote is really something for you! You will discover how to avoid frustration and make room to express your thoughts or feelings. Griet will offer tips and guidance to make you feel more comfortable in a situation where communication is strained. You will also discover how to avoid or handle conflicts using a constructive approach. In short, we will tame the tiger in your language and turn it into a spinning kitten!


Happiness at work, works

How happy are you at work? Are you looking forward to getting started or does it feel more like an obligation? What impact do you have on your happiness at work? Or is it the task of your manager or employer to make sure that you are happy in your job? This keynote will help you discover how you can feel good in your job and how you yourself can make a difference. And yes, it is also possible to work on happiness at work together with your employer. Griet will provide you with inspiration, insights and exercises to take control of your happiness at work – the Smile Guarantee is included free of charge.

Happiness at work

The power of constructive communication

Communication. We communicate daily and in various ways, and yet not everyone is equally good at it. The art of good communication is quite a challenge. In this keynote, you will discover how you can improve your communication skills. How can you communicate more effectively? How can you increase the impact of your communication? How do you deal with difficult conversations? Using tips & tricks, insights and practical exercises, you will learn how to turn each communication moment into a win-win conversation based on a positive approach. An absolute must to discover the true power of communication!
